Joel A. Dvoskin, Ph.D.


Heilbrun K., Slobogin C., and Dvoskin J. (In press.) Reimagining Risk Assessment: Comment on Viljoen and Vincent (2020). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice

Batastini A, Dvoskin J, Horton J, and Cook K (2023) “Research and Advocacy in Jails.” In: Handbook of Mental Health Assessment and Treatment in Jails. Edited by: Virginia Barber-Rioja, Alexandra Garcia-Mansilla, Bipin Subedi, and Ashley B. Batastini. New York: Oxford University Press.

Dvoskin J, Fu M, & Klee, AS (2023). Psychology in action: The need for bystander intervention programs to reduce public harms. Psychological Services, 20(3), 403–405.

Dvoskin, J., Golding, S., Heilbrun, K., Cauffman, E., DeMatteo, D., Edens, J., Hart, S., Mulvey, E., Skeem, J., Viljoen, J., & Vincent, G. (2022). Psychopathic personality in early childhood: A critical comment on Lopez-Romero (2021). Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(3), 249-253.

Heilbrun, K., Kavanaugh, A., Grisso, T., Anumba, N., Dvoskin, J., & Golding, S. (2021). The importance of racial identity in forensic mental health assessment. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.

Dvoskin J, Knoll J, Silva M. (2021)
A Brief History of the Criminalization of Mental Illness (Review Article). In:
Warburton K, Stahl S, editors. Decriminalizing Mental Illness. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press; 2021. p. 14-29. In Warburton K, Stahl S, editors.
Decriminalizing Mental Illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

DeMatteo D, Hart SD, Heilbrun K, Boccaccini MK, Cunningham MD, Douglas KS,
Dvoskin JA, Edens JF, Guy LS, Murrie DC, Otto RK, Packer IK, & Reidy TJ. (2020) Death is Different: Reply to Olver et al. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 26(4): 511-518


Read the Q&A on the Tucson Shooting with Dr. Dvoskin and the American Psychological Association (2011).

Correctional Settings and PrisoDvoskin JA, Knoll JL, and Silva M. (2020).
A Brief History of the Criminalization of Mental Illness.” In Stahl S & Warburton K. (Eds.)

Decriminalizing Mental Illness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dvoskin JA, Knoll JL & Silva M. (2020)
“A Brief History of the Criminalization of Mental Illness.” CNS Spectrum 1-13.

DeMatteo D, Hart SD, Heilbrun K, Boccaccini MK, Cunningham MD, Douglas KS, Dvoskin JA, Edens JF, Guy LS, Murrie DC, Otto RK, Packer IK, & Reidy TJ. (2020)
Statement of Concerned Experts on the Use of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist – Revised in Capital Sentencing to Assess Risk for Institutional Violence. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.

Canning RD and Dvoskin JA (2018)
Preventing Suicide in Detention and Correctional Facilities. In: Woolredge J and Smith P (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment, Oxford University Press: New York, NY

​Gilfoyle N & Dvoskin JA (2017)
APA’s Amicus Curiae Program: Bringing psychological research to judicial decisions.
American Psychologist.

Brodsky, SL, Dvoskin JA, & Neal TMS (2017)
Temptations for the Expert Witness.Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.

Vol 45(4): 460-463

Morgan RD, Van Horn SA, and Dvoskin JA (2017)
Correctional Settings and Prisoners’ Rights. In: Gold L and Frierson R (Eds.) Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Publishing: Washington DC.
Mucha Z, with Dvoskin J and MacYoung M (2016)
Emotional Abuse: A manual for self-defense. Chicago: Zak Mucha

Maloney MP, Metzner JL & Dvoskin JA. (2015)
Screening and Assessments, Chapter 3.1. In: Trestman RL, Appelbaum KL, Metzner JL (Eds.), The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry, New York: Oxford University Press

Dvoskin, JA. (2014)
Report on threat assessment in the workplace. Heilbrun, K. (in press). In K. Heilbrun, D. DeMatteo, S. Brooks Holliday, and C. LaDuke (Eds.), Forensic mental health assessment: A casebook (2nd edition). New York: Oxford.

Dvoskin JA. (2014)
"When specialized measures cannot be used." In K. Heilbrun, D. DeMatteo, S. Brooks Holliday, and C. LaDuke (Eds.), Forensic mental health assessment: A casebook (2nd edition). New York: Oxford.

​O’Keefe, ML, Klebe, KJ, Metzner J, Dvoskin, JA, Fellner, J, & Stucker A. (2013)

A Longitudinal Study of Administrative Segregation.Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Volume 41:49–60, 2013.

Dvoskin, JA, Skeem, JL, Novaco RW, and Douglas KS. (Editors) (2011)
Using Social Science To Reduce Violent Offending. New York: Oxford University Press. (Winner of the 2012 Book Award of the American Psychology-Law Society)

Kane, AW & Dvoskin, JA. (2011).
Evaluation for Personal Injury Claims. New York: Oxford University Press.

​​Ruiz A, Dvoskin JA, Scott CL, Metzner JL. (2010)
Manual of Forms and Guidelines for Correctional Mental Health. American Psychiatric Publishing.

Heilbrun, K., Dvoskin, J and Heilbrun, A. (2009) 

“Toward Preventing Future Tragedies: Mass Killings on College Campuses, Public Health, ​and Threat/Risk Assessment.”Psychological Injury and Law. Vol 2(2), Oct 2008, 93-99.
Dvoskin, JA and Guy, LS (2008)
“On Being an Expert Witness: It’s not about you.”Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Vol 15(2), Oct 2008, 202-212.

Dvoskin, JA (2008)
Commentary on Elger’s “Medical Ethics in Correctional Healthcare. Journal of Clinical Ethics. Vol. 19, No. 3, 256-259.

Dvoskin. JA. (2008)
Book Review: School Violence and Primary Prevention, by Thomas Miller (Ed.). Journal of the American Medical Association

Dvoskin JA, Bopp J, and Dvoskin JL (2007)
Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization. In Cutler, B (ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Dvoskin, JA; Spiers EM, and Brodsky, S (2007)
Correctional Psychology: Law, ethics, and practice. In Goldstein, Alan M. (Ed). Forensic psychology: Emerging topics and expanding roles. (pp. 605-632). Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc. xix, 819 pp.

McDermott, B.E., Dvoskin, J. and Quanbeck, C. (2007)
Psychopathy: Towards a more reasoned understanding of the relationship to aggressive behavior. Forensic Psychiatry Research Trends

Spiers EM, Pitt SE & Dvoskin JD (2006)
Psychiatric Intake Screening. In Puisis M. (Ed.) Clinical Practice in Correctional Medicine. Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Dvoskin JA & Metzner JL (2006)
Commentary: The Physicians Torture Report. Correctional Mental Health Report. Kingston, NJ. Volume 8, No. 1.

Schlank A & Dvoskin JA (2006)
Similar Statutes, Different Treatment Needs — A Comparison of SVP and Mentally Ill Populations. In Schlank, A. (Ed.) The Sexual Predator, Volume 3: New York, NY: Civic Research Institute.

Metzner JL & Dvoskin JA. (2006)
Controversies Concerning Supermax Confinement and Mental Illness. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. Philadelphia: Elsevier. Volume 29, No. 3.

Dvoskin JA (2005)
Two Sides to Every Story: The Need for Objectivity and Evidence. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Vol. 33, No. 4, 482-483.

Dvoskin JA, Spiers EM, & Brodsky SL. (2005)
Correctional Psychology: Law, Ethics, and Practice. In Goldstein, AM (Ed.), Forensic Psychology: Emerging Topics and Expanding Roles. Hoboken, NJ. John Wiley & Sons.

Peters RH, Matthews CO & Dvoskin, JA (2005)
Treatment in prisons and jails. In Lowinson JH, Ruiz P, Millman RB, & Langrod JG (eds.) Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook – Third Edition. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins Publishers. Pages 707-722.

Metzner JL and Dvoskin JA (2004)
Psychiatry in Correctional Settings in Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry. Robert R. Simon MD and Lisa H. Gold, MD (editors). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Dvoskin JA and Spiers EM (2004)
On the Role of Correctional Officers in Prison Mental Health Care. Psychiatric Quarterly.

Dvoskin JA and Spiers EM (2003)
Commentary: In Search of Common Ground.Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Vol. 31, No. 2. 184-188.

Glancy GD, Spiers EM, Pitt SE & Dvoskin JA. (2003)
Commentary: Models and Correlates of Firesetting Behavior. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 31(1):053-057.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (2003)
Catch ‘em doing something right. NFHS Coaches’ Quarterly. National Federation of State High School Associations. Indianapolis, IN.

Spiers, EM, Dvoskin, JA, and Pitt, SE (2003)
Mental health professionals as institutional consultants and problem-solvers. In Fagan, T, and Ax, R (Eds) Correctional Mental Health Handbook, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Dvoskin, JA, Spiers, EM, Metzner, JL, and Pitt, SE (2003)
The structure of correctional mental health services. In Rosner, R. (ed.), Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Second Edition. London: Arnold Publishing.

Dvoskin, J.A. (2002)
Knowledge is Not Power – Knowledge is Obligation. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Vol. 30, No. 4.<

Dvoskin JA, Radomski SJ, Bennett C, Olin JA, Hawkins RL, Dotson LA, Drewnicky IN. (2002)
Architectural design of a secure forensic state psychiatric hospital. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Vol. 20, No. 5. Pages 481-493.

Dvoskin, J.A. and Petrila, J. (2002)
Commentary: Behavioral Health Professionals in Class Action Litigation -- Some Thoughts on the Lawyer's Perspective. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 30:1

Dvoskin, JA, and Heilbrun, K. (2001)
Risk assessment and release decision-making: Toward resolving the great debate. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Vol. 29:6-10

Hafemeister, TL, Hall SR, and Dvoskin, JA (2000)
Administrative concerns associated with the care of adult offenders with mental illness within correctional settings. In Ashford JB, Sales BD, and Reid W (Eds.) Treating Adult and Juvenile Offenders with Special Needs. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Dvoskin, JA. (2000)
The mentally disordered inmate and the law (book review). Psychiatric Services. 51:397.

Pitt SE, Spiers EM, Dietz PE, & Dvoskin JA (1999)
Preserving the Integrity of the Interview: The value of videotape. Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 44, No. 6, Pp. 1287-1291

Dvoskin, Joel A. and Patterson, Raymond F. (1998)
Administration of Treatment Programs for Offenders with Mental Illness. In Wettstein, Robert M. (Editor), Treatment of the Mentally Disordered Offender. New York: Guilford Press. pp.1-43.

Coggins MH, Pynchon MR, Dvoskin JA (1998)
Integrating research and practice in federal law enforcement: Secret Service applications of behavioral science expertise to protect the President,"Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 16, Issue 1.

Dvoskin, Davidman, Ferster, Miller, Montenegro, and Moody (1997)
Should Psychologists Unionize? A Colloquy with Labor and Management Experts. Profession Psychology: Research and Practice. Vol. 28, No. 5.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1997)
Sticks and Stones: The Abuse of Psychiatric Diagnosis in Prisons. The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Vol. 8, No. 1.

Dvoskin, Joel A., Massaro, Jackie, Nerney, Michael, and Harp, Howie T. (1995)
Safety Training for Mental Health Workers in the Community. Albany: New York State Office of Mental Health and The Information Exchange.

Dvoskin, Joel A., Petrila, John and Stark-Riemer, Steven (1995)
Powell v. Coughlin and the Application of the Professional Judgment Rule to Prison Mental Health. Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter. Vol. 19, No. 1

Dvoskin, Joel A., McCormick, C. Terence and Cox, Judith (1994)
Services for Parolees with Serious Mental Illness. Topics in Community Corrections. 1994: 14-20

Dvoskin, Joel A. and Horn, Martin F. (1994)
Parole Mental Health Evaluations. Community Corrections Report. July/August 1994

Dvoskin, Joel A. and Steadman, Henry J. (1994)
Using Intensive Case Management to Reduce Violence by Mentally Ill Persons in the Community. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. Vol. 45, No. 7. Pp. 679-684.

Condelli, Ward S., Dvoskin, Joel A., and Holanchock, Howard (1994)
Intermediate Care Programs for Inmates with Psychiatric Disorders. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Volume 22, Number 1.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1994)
The Structure of Prison Mental Health Services. In Rosner, Richard (Editor), Principals and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry. New York: Chapman and Hall.

Cohen, Fred and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1993)
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Corrections: A glimpse. New York Law School Journal of Human Rights. Vol.X.

Dvoskin, Joel A., Smith, Hal, and Broaddus, Raymond (1993)
Creating a Mental Health Care Model. Corrections Today. Vol. 55, No. 7.

Dvoskin, Joel A., Steadman, Henry J. and Cocozza, Joseph J. (1993)
Introduction. In Steadman, Henry J. and Cocozza, Joseph J. (Editors), Mental Illness in America's Prisons. Seattle: National Coalition for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System.

Clear, Todd R., Byrne, James M. and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1993)
The Transition from being an inmate. In Steadman, Henry J. and Cocozza, Joseph J. (Editors), Mental Illness in America's Prisons. Seattle: National Coalition for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System.

Cohen, Fred and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1992)
Inmates with Mental Disorders: A Guide to Law and Practice (Part 2). Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, Volume 16, No. 4.

Cohen, Fred and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1992)
Inmates with Mental Disorders: A Guide to Law and Practice (Part 1). Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, Volume 16, No. 3.

Heilbrun, K.S., Radelet, M.L. and Dvoskin, J.A. (1992)
Debating Treatment of Those Incompetent for Execution. American Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 149, No. 5.

Way, Bruce B., Dvoskin, Joel A., Steadman, Henry J. (1991)
Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients Served in the United States: Regional and System Differences. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Volume 19, No. 4.

Steadman, H.J., Holohean, E.J., Jr., Dvoskin, J.A. (1991)
Estimating Mental Health Needs and Service Utilization among Prison Inmates. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Volume 19, No. 3.

McGreevy, M.A., Steadman, H.J., Dvoskin, J.A. & Dollard, N. (1991)
Managing Insanity Acquittees in the Community: New York State's Alternative to a Psychiatric Security Review Board. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. Volume 42, No. 5.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1991)
Allocating Treatment Resources for Sex Offenders. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. Vol. 41, No. 3.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1990)
What Are the Odds on Predicting Violent Behavior? The Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Volume 2, No. 1.

Perlin, M.L. and Dvoskin, J.A. (1990)
AIDS-Related Dementia and Competency to Stand Trial: A Potential Abuse of the Forensic Mental Health System. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Volume 18, No. 4.

Dvoskin, J.A. (1990)
Jail-Based Mental Health Services. In Steadman, H.J. (Editor), Effectively Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Jail Detainees, National Institute of Corrections: Boulder, Colorado.

Way, B.B., Dvoskin, J.A., Steadman, H.J., Huguley, H.C. & Banks, S. (1990)
Staffing of Forensic Inpatient Services in the United States. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, Volume 41:2.

Dvoskin, Joel A. and Steadman, Henry (1989)
Chronically Mentally Ill Inmates: The Wrong Concept for the Right Services. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 12, Nos. 2/3.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1989)
Multiple Murder as Social Protest? Contemporary Psychology, Volume 34, No. 5.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1989)
The Palm Beach County, Florida Forensic Mental Health Services Program: A Comprehensive Community-Based System. In Steadman, H.J., McCarty, D.W., and Morrissey, J.P. The Mentally Ill in Local Jails: Planning for Essential Services. New York: Plenum.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (Editor) (1988)
Special Issue: Forensic Administration. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Vol. 11, No. 4.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1988)
Confessions of a Reformed Forensic Illiterate. Contemporary Psychiatry, Volume 7, No. 2.

Roth, L.H., Aldock, J.D., Briggs, K.K., Dvoskin, J.A., Parry, J.W., Phillips, R.M, Silver, S.B., and Weiner, B.A. (1988)
Final Report of the National Institute of Mental Health Ad Hoc Forensic Advisory Panel. Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter, Volume 12, No. 1.

Steadman, H.J., Fabisiak, S., Dvoskin, J.A., and Holohean, E.J., Jr. (1987)
Mental Disability Among State Prison Inmates: A statewide survey. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, Volume 38, No. 10.

Dvoskin, J.A. and Powitsky, R. (1984)
A Paradigm for the Delivery of Mental Health Services in Prison. Boulder, CO: National Academy of Corrections.

Koson, Dennis F. and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1982)
Arson-A diagnostic study. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. X, No. 1.

Dietz, Park E. and Dvoskin, Joel A. (1980)
Quality of life for the mentally disabled. Journal of Forensic Sciences, JPSCA, Volume 25, No. 4.

Dvoskin, Joel A. (1978)
Legal alternatives for battered women who kill their abusers. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law - Special Issue on Crime and Sexuality, Volume IV, No. 6.

Read the Q & A on the Tucson Shooting with Dr. Dvoskin and the American Psychological Association (2011).